School of Education and Social Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 73
Participatory Decision-Making and Financial Management in Public Secondary Schools in Kericho County
(International Journal of Professional Practice, 2023-07)Prudent financial management entails deterrence of mismanagement, squandering and misappropriation of institutional funds. To ensure prudent financial management in public secondary schools, measures such as establishment ... -
Trainees Employability Skills and Students’ Decisions in Selecting Public TVET Institutions in Nairobi County, Kenya
(International Journal of Professional Practice, 2023-06)Career choices among young people is essential since it determines their future prospects. As such, careful consideration ought to be undertaken at career selection stage to enable students make rightful decisions for ... -
Social Economic Status and Implementation of the 100 Percent Transition Policy in Public Primary Schools in Sololo Sub-County, Marsabit County
(Journal of Education, 2023-08)The idea of a smooth transition from primary to secondary school is part of a global push to give all children a 12-year era of continuous learning. The high cost of secondary education in Kenya contributed to the low ... -
Factors Contributing to the Growth of Cereals Enterprises Owned by Women in Meru County. A Survey of Enterprises in Nkubu Town
(Journal of International Business, Innovation and Strategic Management, 2019-03)Entrepreneurship growth practices are being witnessed in every country in response to changes in global competitiveness and advancement in technology. It is against this reason that this research was being undertaken ... -
Analysis of Teachers’ Work Characteristics in Enhancing Discretionary Work Effort in Public Secondary Schools in Isiolo County
(International Journal of Professional Practice, 2022-10)The Ministry of Education (MoE), Teachers Service Commission (TSC) and principals are expected to create a conducive environment that enable teachers to demonstrate discretionary work effort in secondary schools. This ... -
Internationalization and the Adoption of English Language as a Medium of Instruction at Somali National University
(International Journal of Professional Practice, 2022-10)The adoption of English as a delivery language of instructions entails the utilization of English to deliver other subjects other than English itself in countries where the first language of natives is not English. ... -
Students' Attributes Influence on the Adoption Of The English Language as a Medium of Instruction at Somali National University
(African Journal of Emerging Issues, 2022-10)Background: The adoption of English as the language of instruction has continuously been on the rise globally. In Somali, teaching English is done as a subject both at the primary and secondary levels. In contrast, at ... -
How Instructional Resources Influence the Performance of KCPE English Language in Kalokol Ward, Turkana Central Sub–County in Turkana County
(EdinBurg Peer Reviewed Journals and Books Publishers, 2022-10)The English language has continuously been adopted as the instructional media in most schools in developed and developing countries. The performance of English in the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education is critical ... -
Effect of Monitoring Teachers’ Records on Teachers’ Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Turkana Central Sub-County, Kenya
(International Journal of Professional Practice, 2022-10)The goal of this study was to establish the effect of monitoring of teachers’ records on teachers’ academic performance in public secondary schools in Turkana Central Sub-County, Kenya. The research employed mixed ... -
Social-Cultural Factors Influencing Female Under-Representation in the Management of Public Primary Schools in Rigoma Sub-County, Nyamira County, Kenya
(EdinBurg Peer Reviewed Journals and Books Publishers, 2022)Various studies around the world show that the majority of public primary schools are headed by male teachers. Despite these observations, no systematic study has been conducted to identify the factors that contribute ... -
The Influence of Instructional Equipment on Student Skills Development in Public Technical Training Institutes in Kenya
(Journal of Popular Education in Africa:, 2022-10)Technical Training Institutions (TTIS) in Kenya play a significant role in providing skills that are required in the various sectors of the Kenyan economy. A concern of a mismatch of skills produced by Technical Training ... -
The Influence of Instructional Methods on Student Skills Development in Public Technical Training Institutions in Kenya
(Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies (JAIS):, 2022-10)Technical education skills development is one among other strategies thought to be what Kenya needs for the achievement of vision 2030 (Ministry of Education [MoE], 2019). To realize this vision, Kenya needs a critical ... -
Utilization of Listening Assistive Technologies and the Academic Performance in Primary Schools for Learners with Hearing Challenges in Meru and Tharaka Nithi Counties, Kenya
(International Journal of Professional Practice, 2022-10)The government of Kenya has established measures such as training and employment of teachers to deliver quality education to learners with hearing challenges. However, the academic performance in primary schools for ... -
How Utilization of Augmentative and Alternative Assistive Technologies affect the Academic Performance in Primary Schools for Learners with Hearing Challenges in Meru and Tharaka Nithi Counties, Kenya
(International Journal of Professional Practice, 2022-10)Despite the government of Kenya supporting the training and employment of teachers to deliver quality education to learners with hearing challenges, the academic performance in primary schools for learners with hearing ... -
Influence of Beading Girls on KCPE Performance of Early Circumcised Boys in Isiolo Central Sub-County, Isiolo County
(International Journal of Professional Practice, 2022-10)Early circumcision incidences are a common phenomenon in Isiolo Central Sub County and the entire former North Eastern Province of Kenya. This practice has increased cases of school drop- out among the boys, cattle ... -
Influence of Teaching-Learning Resources on Academic Performance among Public Primary Schools in Laikipia West Sub-County
(EdinBurg Peer Reviewed Journals and Books Publishers Journal of Education, 2022-10)Kenya's government implemented free primary education in 2003 as part of its attempts to attain universal primary education. Despite these attempts, worries about educational quality have grown over the years. The research ... -
Availability of Learning Resources and Management of KCSE Irregularities in Nairobi County, Kenya
(2022-10)Examinations play a critical role in the education sector in assessing learners' knowledge and skill mastery. Therefore, they must be credible and free of irregularities. However, over the years, Kenya has seen an increase ... -
Assessment of Home-Based Factors Contributing to Church Absenteeism in Methodist Churches of Kenya in Nyambene Synod, Meru County, Kenya
(International Journal of Professional Practice, 2022-10)Regular church attendance is often an indicator of Christians’ commitment and faith in God. It follows then that absenteeism undermines both the Christian faith and the ability of the church to meet ministry goals. The ... -
Efficiency of Methodist Church of Kenya Pastoral Programs in Addressing Orphans’ Spiritual Needs in Day Secondary Schools in Imenti North sub County
(International Journal of Professional Practice, 2022-10)Pastoral care program is used in schools to offer learners spiritual assistance while ensuring their overall well-being is catered for by designated pastors. There are various responsibilities bestowed upon licensed ... -
Assessment on the Effect of Executive Functioning Disorders in Vulnerability to Depression among Adolescents in Secondary Schools in Meru County, Kenya
(Journal of Advanced Psychology, 2022)Purpose: Assessment on the effect of executive functioning disorders in vulnerability to depression among adolescents in secondary schools in Meru County, Kenya. Methodology: The study adopted descriptive research design ...