Influence of Strategic Innovation in Corporate Reputation Management in Microfinance Institutions in Machakos County.
Strategic innovation can be defined as re-engineering or re-designing a firm's corporate strategy
to promote growth, give value to customers and the company, and gain a competitive edge. The
purpose of this study was to see how strategic innovation affected corporate reputation
management in microfinance institutions(MFIs) in Machakos County. Specifically, the goals were
to assess the effects of process and product innovation, and market innovation and resource
innovation on corporate reputation management in Machakos County microfinance institutions.
In order to achieve the study's purpose, the descriptive sampling technique has been used in a
research study. Population target of the study comprised of all the Microfinance Institutions
(MFI‘s) licensed by the Association of Microfinance Institutions of Kenya (AMFI-K) as at 31st
December 2019. By AMFI-K, there are (15) fifteen licensed MFIs. The study included all of the
selected MFIs, with the respondents being all of the branch managers. team leaders and operations
officers. The total respondents therefore were forty-five (45). The main methodologies were
questionnaires, which were self-administered by the researcher and yielded an 82.2 per cent
response rate. The research showed that Product development and company image management
had positive and important effects association. The study also indicated that process innovation
and corporate reputation management had a favorable and substantial (P-Value=0.000)
association. Furthermore, the findings demonstrated that market innovation and corporate
reputation management had a favorable and substantial (P-Value=0.000) link. Finally,
―resource innovation and corporate reputation management had a favorable and substantial
(PValue0.000) association. Based on the findings, the study came to the conclusion that Innovation
in resources, markets, processes, and products are all interrelated. all have a positive and significant
impact on company reputation management. The marketing officers of MFIs should improve their
marketing innovation strategies and ensure that a product innovative approach is implemented,
according to the findings of this study