Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Relationship between Employee Turnover and Organizational Performance in the Kenya Police Service; A Survey of Laikipia Police Divisional Headquarters
(KeMU, 2017-04)
Employee turnover is the alternation of employees around the workforce market; between business enterprises, jobs and careers; and between the situations of been in the labor service and unemployment. The ...
Conflict Management Strategies and Organizational Performance (A Survey of Microfinance Institutions in Nairobi)
(KeMU, 2021-09)
Organizational conflict arises when and if an employee thinks that their goals are under threat
or is being hindered by another person’s activities. Unresolved or poor handling of conflicts
may lead to exit of some ...
Influence of Strategic Management Practices On Organizational Performance of Non-Governmental Organizations in Nairobi County
(KeMU, 2022-10)
Strategic management practices in the nonprofit sector are the same as in the for-profit
sector. some potential benefits that could be realized by a non-governmental organization
(NGO) as a result of implementing strategic ...
The Influence of Business-Level Strategy on Organizational Performance of Micro and Small Enterprises: A Case of Salons and Beauty Spas in Nairobi County, Kenya.
(KeMU, 2022-09)
Regardless of the fact that micro and small businesses significantly contribute to
Kenya's economy through job creation and economic development, their performance
has been stagnant for a long period, and in many cases ...
Influence of Customer Service Strategies on Organisational Performance among Private Universities in Kenya
(kemu, 2023-06)
Organizational performance is the extent to which the firm realizes its goals within a given period of time. Customer service strategies are very important for any organization that would like to improve its organizational ...
Influence of Strategic Leadership Practices on Organizational Performance: Survey of Selected Commercial Based Parastatals in Kenya
(KeMU, 2023-07)
The commercial parastatals are allowed by the constitution to charge for various services
and goods provided to the public but at a reasonable price so as to fund the government
operations. That notwithstanding, the ...
Effect of Customer Satisfaction on Organizational Performance of Lodges within Lewa Wildlife Conservancy
(KeMU, 2023-08)
Kenya is a well-known tourist destination in Africa and the government has launched
several initiatives to boost tourism. Hotels are a vital aspect of tourism in the country
and maintaining high levels of customer ...
Influence of Strategic Leadership Practices on Organizational Performance
(KeMU, 2023-05)
The commercial parastatals are allowed by the constitution to charge for various services
and goods provided to the public but at a reasonable price so as to fund the government
operations. That notwithstanding, the ...