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dc.contributor.authorlucy, Njeri Macharia
dc.descriptionLC 145 .M33 2013en_US
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT Education plays a key role in human development through the process of empowering people to improve their wellbeing and participation in nation building. Dropout however causes a serious threat to gain in education despite the government emphasize on Education for All by the year 2015. In Rongai District, Nakuru County, Kenya, the problem is more pronounced among the public secondary schools. This study sought information on factors leading to high rate of public. Secondary school dropout rate among students in public schools in Rongai District, Nakuru County, Kenya which required urgent attention. Research shows that students who enroll in secondary school drop out before the completion of secondary school level a situation culminating to wastage of resources in time and space. This indicates that there has been an increase in the number of students facing school dropout problems and it also attempts to answer. The question whether there has been a real increase in the number of dropouts. The situation of very different and complex factors helps to reveal the action to be taken and eventually lead to a decrease and prevention of school dropout. This was a concern of head teachers, teachers' parents and community as a whole. The study sought to relate the variables of drop out from secondary schools in Rongai District, Nakuru County. The targeted population consisted of all students, teachers and head teachers from secondary schools in the District. The sample consisted of 28 head teachers, 380 teachers and 6,935 students. In the district chosen from a cross section of 28 schools from the provincial category, District randomly sampled from urban and rural set up boarding and day school. Sample size formula was determined using Kothari (2006) formula where sample elements were selected using proportionate random sampling method. The main tools of data collection were questionnaires for the head teachers, teachers, parents and AEOs. Validity for this study was ensured through consultations and expert's opinion from research supervisors from Kenya Methodist University at every stage. As for the reliability, the researcher recruited and trained the data collection assistants who dropped and • collected filled in questionnaires from respondents. A pilot test instruments was conducted in the neighboring Njoro District on 26 head teachers and 300 teachers. After data was collected, then it was coded and entered in the computer for analysis using Statistical Package and Social Science (SPSS). The significance of the study sought to expose more on the causes of high rate of school drop outs in Secondary Schools in Rongai District, Nakuru County, Kenya. The study will employ descriptive survey research design. This is according to Orodho (2003). The finding could therefore assist policy makers to come up with strategies to curb the high rate of school dropout in Rongai District, Nakuru County, Kenya.en_US
dc.titleFactors Leading to High Dropout Rates among Students in Public Secondary School in Rongai District, Nakuru County, Kenyaen_US

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