An analysis of the factors influencing performance of physics in secondary schools in Othaya District.

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Wanja, Kariuki Tabitha
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The performance of science subjects is an important to achieve an industrialized nation. This study investigated the management factors that influence the performance and enrolment of physics as a science in Othaya District Central Province. Ex-Post facto research design was adopted. The study was carried out among physics teachers and Head of Departments, Principals and Members of the Board of Governors in 28 schools in Othaya District. Head of Departments' Questionnaire, Physics teachers' Questionnaire, and Principals' Questionnaire containing both closed and open ended items were used to collect data. Data was analyzed through the statistical package for Social Sciences (S.P.S.S) version 10. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used. Tests of significance were performed at a 0.05. The results of the study indicated that there were challenges facing schools in management of physics ranging from lack of suitable and qualified laboratories technicians, lack of properly equipped laboratory and financial constraints. All these affect performance of physics. The results could therefore be useful to policy makers in the Ministry of Education and school administrations. This report may lead to the development of projects to equip the science laboratories to suit the needs of individual schools and also improve the existing ones. The results also provide an insight into an in-service training of laboratory technicians and assistants to allow quality services. The physics teacher student ratio will also assist the Teachers Service Commission (T.S.C) in recruitment of teachers to the schools that deserve. Lastly the study will add knowledge in the areas of education planning and development and hence be used as a basis to allocate development funds where need be.