School of Medicine and Health Sciences
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Welcome to School of Medicine and Health Sciences collection.This collection contains Journal articles published by faculty affiliated to the school.
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Effect of Health System Factors On Uptake and Utilization Of Linda Mama Initiative in Kajiado North Sub-County, Kenya
(International Journal of Social Sciences and Information Technology, 2024-07)Maternal mortality continues to pose a significant public health challenge, with over 300,000 women losing their lives annually during childbirth. In response, policymakers have implemented free maternal healthcare ... -
Individual Factors Associated with Uptake of Covid Vaccine Among Matatu Crew in Meru Matatu Stage, Meru County, Kenya
(Public Health Research, 2022)The uptake of COVID-19 vaccines is an essential aspect towards enabling effective control on the spread of the virus. It is important that matatu crew, together with the vulnerable groups should receive vaccination to ... -
Influence of Health Logistics Management Information System on Availability of Medical Commodities in Public Health Facilities in Kajiado County, Kenya
(Academic Journal of Health System and Reform (AJHSR), 2023-09)Health logistics management systems is critical to ensure the availability of essential medicines and services. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of health logistics management information system on the availability ... -
Social-Cultural Factors Associated with Common Mental Health Disorders among Pregnant and Parenting Teenagers: A Case Study of Korogocho Slums, Nairobi County, Kenya
(International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health, 2023-07)Background: Teenage pregnancy is a significant problem in Kenya, with over 18% of teenagers aged 15-19 being pregnant or already mothers, with rates even higher in low-income areas such as slums. Existing research has ... -
Determinants of Health Facility Preparedness in the Management of Gender Based Violence in Kenya: A Case of Primary Health Facilities in Mombasa County
(Journal of Popular Education in Africa., 2023-09)Gender based violence (GBV) is a significant obstacle to achieving human rights and sustainable development goals. the study aimed at establishing the determinants of health facility preparedness in the management of ... -
Influence of Public-Private Partnership on Healthcare Service Delivery in Nairobi County, Kenya
(International Academic Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing, 2023-06)The Kenyan healthcare sector suffers from challenges in service delivery due to poorly remunerated staff, low retention rates, low motivation, shortage of medical supplies and corruption. This led to the sector to ... -
Provision of adolescent and youth-friendly services in public health facilities in Migori County, Kenya
(International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 2023-09)Background: Global and national guidelines on provision of adolescent and youth-friendly services (AYFS) exist. However, the extent to which these services are provided in developing countries, including Kenya, is unknown. ... -
Healthcare Workers Training and Implementation of Occupational Health and Safety (OSH) Measures at Kitale County Referral Hospital, Kenya
(American Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing Practice, 2023-08)Purpose: Many people, including healthcare workers, spend one-third of their adult lives in hazardous work environments. Despite significant advancements in safety management over the last few decades, occupational ... -
Assessment of Satisfaction with Online Learning Environment Among Nursing Students in Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) Nairobi
(Innovative Journal of Social Sciences,, 2023-08)In recent years, there has been an increased use of eLearning in medical training colleges, driven by technological advancements, learners' desire for flexibility, and the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there is limited ... -
Assessment of Institution Related Mentorship Factors Influencing Clinical Competences of Diploma Nursing Students at Coast General Teaching and Referral Hospital, Mombasa
(Journal of Medicine, Nursing & Public Health,, 2023-08)Nurses work in various healthcare settings, where they provide quality care to patients and interact with other healthcare professionals. To be able to do this, they are required to acquire immense knowledge, clinical ... -
Mobile Health (mHealth) Digital Platform for Primary Data Collection for Prostate Cancer Monitoring and Surveillance in Embu County, Kenya
(Innovative Journal of Social Sciences,, 2023-08)The cancer situation in Africa is on an upward trajectory and requires a context-sensitive approach. Prostate cancer is the fourth cause of death after cervical, breast, and oesophageal cancer respectively with an ... -
Factors Influencing Reporting of Medical Errors Amongst Nurses in Pediatric Wards in Three Teaching And Referral Hospitals in Nairobi Kenya
(Journal of Nursing and Practice, 2022)Service delivery is among the six health system strengthening pillars by World Health Organization. Successful health services bring about effective, quality, safe, personal and non-personal health care actions or ... -
(INTERNATIONAL PEER REVIEWED JOURNAL AND BOOK PUBLISHING [IPRJB], 2022)Purpose: To explore RN-BSN students’ perception on clinical placements, mentorship and supervision in clinical teaching and learning. Methodology: The study adopted a descriptive cross-sectional survey design among ... -
COVID-19 Containment Policy Measures and their Effect on Access to HIV Services for Persons Living With HIV in Ruaraka Sub-County, Kenya
(International Journal of Professional Practice (IJPP), 2022-03)The spread of the novel coronavirus disease in 2019 (COVID-19) worldwide led to the introduction of mitigation and containment responses designed to stem the heightened transmission of the virus. These measures hindered ... -
Influence of Recognition Systems on Performance of the Health Workers in Public Health Facilities In Wajir County, Kenya
(Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies (JAIS), 2022-09)Despite the ongoing health sector reforms in Kenya, services have remained poor especially in Wajir County. The inadequate performance of health workers coupled with lack of adequate support from the central and local ... -
Association between Family History and Hypertension among the Patients in Nairobi:
(Stratford Peer Reviewed Journals & books, 2021-11)Hypertension is an important public health issue globally. With the global prevalence of hypertension being 40%, Africa ranks the highest with a prevalence of 46%. The high burden in developing countries is attributable ... -
Influence of Stress Management on Work Performance among Nurses in Health Facilities in Nakuru County
(IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), 2022-06)Healthcare professionals such as nurses encounter various health hazards that affect their work performance. This is because they work in extremely stressful conditions which tend to distort their emotional balance resulting ... -
Determinants of utilization of National Health Insurance Fund cover in public health facilities by public health care workers in Makueni County
(International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 2022-11)Background: Robust healthcare funding systems are seen as critical for guaranteeing universal healthcare access. This implies that health services should be adequately accessible to everyone ensuring health situation ... -
Influence of product selection on health commodity security among level four public health facilities in Nairobi County, Kenya
(International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 2022-07)Background: Procurement of health products and technologies in Kenya faces challenges as seen by increased public complaints regarding erratic supplies of the essential drugs and other medical supplies in public health ... -
Factors Influencing Utilization of Health Information System in the Management of Missed Appointments among HIV Positive Patients in Mombasa County
(Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies (JAIS), 2021-10)A health system requires a well-functioning health information system as it enhances measurement of health outcomes, accountability for resource allocations and assists in arriving at effective health care decisions. An ...