Journal Articles: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 494
Influence of Strategic Leadership Styles on Performance of 3-star Hotels in Mount Kenya East Region
(Journal of Strategic Management, 2024-07)The study sought to evaluate the influence of strategic leadership styles on performance of 3- star hotels in Mount Kenya East Region. This study adopted a descriptive survey design on a target population of 21 hotels ... -
The Effect of Agency Convenience on Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Isiolo County, Kenya
(The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 2024-08-23)The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of agency convenience on financial performance of commercial banks in Isiolo County, Kenya. A descriptive survey research design was used, targeting Cooperative Bank, ... -
Strategic Direction and organisational Performance in Government-Sponsored Youth Empowerment organisations in Kenya
(Journal of Business and Social Review in Emerging Economies, 2024-03)Purpose: Government-sponsored Youth Empowerment organisations (GSYEOs) are designed to skill, prepare, and empower the youths toward poverty eradication, formal employment, and self-reliance. However, poverty and ... -
Human Resource Development and Organisational Performance in Government- Sponsored Youth Empowerment Organisations in Kenya
(Sustainable Business and Society in Emerging Economies,, 2024-03)Purpose: Government-sponsored Youth Empowerment organisations (GSYEOs) are designed to skill, prepare, and empower the youths toward poverty eradication, formal employment, and self-reliance. However, poverty and ... -
Leadership Styles and Performance of Road Projects Under Kenya Rural Roads Authority In Kenya
(EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR), 2024-05)Road infrastructure drives global economic growth by facilitating the movement of goods, services, and people, enhancing trade and regional integration; recent improvements in developing countries have reduced cost overruns, ... -
Moderating Effect of Corporate Governance On The Relationship Between Strategy Implementation and The Performance of Road Projects by Kenya Rural Roads Authority
(African Journal of Social Issues, 2024)The purpose of the study is to establish whether corporate governance moderates the relationship between strategy implementation and the performance of road projects by Kenya Rural Roads Authority. The study employs a ... -
Influence of Customer Relations Strategies on Performance of SACCOs in Kiambu County
(International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, 2024-02)Customer relationship management creates a good rapport between the organization and its customers thus enabling an organization to sustain a competitive edge in the market. Despite the importance of customer relationship ... -
Relationship between Education Sponsorship and Brand Equity amongst Beverage Companies in Nairobi City County
(Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS),, 2024-01)Global competition has called for companies to be more innovative in the way they position their brand to achieve a competitive edge. Therefore, companies have adopted more non-traditional ways to showcase their products ... -
Effects of Organizational Culture On Performance of Supply Chain Functions in Turkana County Government
(The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 2023-08)This study investigated the effects of organizational culture on the performance of supply chain functions in Turkana County. A descriptive research design was used for this study, with quantitative data being collected. The ... -
Influence of Strategic Leadership on the Performance of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Firms in Nairobi County
(International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), 2023-12)The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of strategic leadership on the performance of pharmaceutical manufacturing companies in Nairobi County. The study applied a descriptive research design. Population ... -
Influence of Strategic Control and Cross Border Trade in Jonglei State, Bor Town Municipality, South Sudan
(Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies,, 2024)The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of strategic control on cross-border trade in South Sudan. The contention of the article is that strategic control is an important tool for enhancing cross-border ... -
Effect of Achievement Culture on the Performance of Universities in Kenya
(Journal of Strategic Management,, 2022)The recent increase in competition and insufficient government financing, as well as the government's increased focus on technical, vocational education training, have had a significant negative impact on higher education's ... -
Analysis of Adhocracy Culture Implementation Approach and Performance of Universities in Kenya
(Journal of Strategic Management,, 2022)The recent increase in competition and insufficient government financing, as well as the government's increased focus on technical, vocational education training, have had a significant negative impact on higher education's ... -
Effect of Role Culture Implementation Approach on Universities Performance in Kenya
(Journal of Strategic Management,, 2022)The recent increase in competition and insufficient government financing, as well as the government's increased focus on technical, vocational education training, have had a significant negative impact on higher education's ... -
Effect of Health System Factors On Uptake and Utilization Of Linda Mama Initiative in Kajiado North Sub-County, Kenya
(International Journal of Social Sciences and Information Technology, 2024-07)Maternal mortality continues to pose a significant public health challenge, with over 300,000 women losing their lives annually during childbirth. In response, policymakers have implemented free maternal healthcare ... -
Operational Processes and Performance of Private Chartered Universities in Kenya
(Journal International of Business Management, 2024-07)In today’s world managers play a very important role in ensuring organisations achieve their objectives and private universities are not any different for theme survive the turbulent and dynamic environment they need to ... -
The Nexus Between Managerial Capabilities, Sponsorship and Performance of Private Chartered Universities in Kenya
(EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR), 2024-06)The changing higher education space has created the need for universities to align themselves in order to record improved performance and also be able to compete globally with other universities. Universities are considered ... -
Digital Resources Accessibility as A Strategy for Enhancing User Engagement in University Libraries in Meru County
(EdinBurg Peer Reviewed Journals and Books Publishers: Journal of Information and Technology, 2024-09)Purpose: The engagement of users in university libraries is defined by the interactions between students, faculty, and staff with library resources, services, and facilities. Digital resource accessibility serves as a ... -
Assessment of Debt Securities on Performance of Commercial Banks in Nyeri County, Kenya
(EdinBurg Peer Reviewed Journals and Books Publishers: Journal of Finance and Accounting, 2023-08)The study investigated the effect of debt securities on performance of commercial banks in Nyeri County, Kenya. The study used quantitative descriptive research design and target population comprised 16 commercial banks ... -
How Individual Counselling Impacts the Psychological Well-Being of Cancer Patients receiving Care at Oncology Clinics in Meru County, Kenya
(International Journal of Professional Practice (IJPP), 2024-09)In spite of effort by the Ministry of Health to support cancer patients by allocating resources and employing qualified personnel, cancer patients still undergo immense physical, emotional, and psychological distress ...