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dc.contributor.authorMungai, Sarah Njeri
dc.description.abstractA well-funded secondary school provides a key avenue of ensuring that its operations are running smoothly. However, from time to time, shortage in finances due to delays caused by the government when releasing funds as a constitutional requirement, affect the proper management of schools. This thus requires that appropriate principal proficiencies to be used, in order to manage the scarce funds and ensuring uninterrupted service delivery. This study examined principals' proficiencies and financial management in secondary schools in Meru County, Kenya. The objectives examined the influence of visionary leadership, professional practice, innovation, effective communication and moderating influence of background characteristics of a principal on proficiencies and financial management in secondary schools in Meru County, Kenya. The study was guided by three theories which were contingency theory, two factor theory and human capital theory. It used mixed methods research approach, pragmatism paradigm and survey research design that was descriptive and cross-sectional in nature. The target population was 389 secondary schools. The study used simple random sampling method to get a sample of 117 (30% of 389) secondary schools. It further used purposive sampling method to obtain 117 principals, 117 bursars, 1 county schools’ auditor, and 350 head of departments. The study used the identified inclusion and exclusion criteria to select 22 chairpersons of the BOM. It administered interviews and questionnaires. Piloting of research instruments was done in twelve secondary schools in Tharaka Nithi County to ensure data quality. The study analyzed quantitative data using descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages and mean. It also carried out linear regression analysis and correlation analysis to test hypothesis and moderation effects. Qualitative data was analyzed using thematic method. The findings were presented in form of tables and explanations. On visionary leadership, the study noted low professional advancement of staff working in the account office which was attributed to failure of principals to push for the same, fearing that the staff may leave the school for greener pastures after the training. The professional practice was hampered by shortage of staff in secondary schools; while, innovation, digitalization in financial management were rarely extended to departments. It was further noted weaknesses in the manner in which principals were communicating information to stakeholders, largely because of capabilities and inefficacies in some cases. The study also noted that the principals lacked auditing skills to guide the staff. Principals should make initiatives of ensuring that they motivate the accounting staff regarding equipping themselves with the skills and expertise for career advancement. On professional practice, the principals ought to work with the Ministry of Education and BoM to employ more accounting staff, and institute measures that encourage community of practice accounting staff and heads of department. Regarding innovation, the Ministry of Education could work in conjunction with the Ministry of ICT to get access to funds on affordable ICT infrastructure in all public secondary schools. Principals are to put measures to ensure systems are duly updated to foster efficiency. Principals ought to liaise with the Ministry of Education in developing financial policies regarding auditing in secondary schools.en_US
dc.subjectPrincipal's proficienciesen_US
dc.subjectFinancial managementen_US
dc.titlePrincipal's Proficiencies and Financial Management in Secondary Schools in Meru County, Kenyaen_US

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