dc.description.abstract | Middle level managers have a significant role in organizational strategic outcomes and
happenings particularly that of implementation of strategy. Middle level managers
collect and collate information, organising it intelligibly pursuant to matters relevant to
organizational strategy making it the foundation for strategic decision-making. Middle
level managers are able using their previous experiences to discern if their efforts are
successful or not. The study was to establish the role of middle level management in
strategy implementation among insurance companies in Kenya. Specifically, the study
sought to establish the effect of championing alternatives, synthesizing information,
facilitating adaptability and management of operational effectiveness on strategy
implementation among Kenyan insurance firms.The study using the stratified random
sampling technique achieved a sample population of 189 management staff in insurance
companies in Kenya. To gather primary data, self-administered questionnaires were
utilized. The validity of the research instruments was then checked using content and
construct validity. Upon receipt of the responses from the questionnaire, the
quantitative data as collated was analyzed with the help of descriptive statistic and
represented, means, frequencies, standard deviations and percentages. The research
established the relations between the dependent and independent variables by
application of multiple regression analysis. The research similarly adopted the
Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation. The outcomes were presented by the use of
tables, graphs and in prose-form. The study found that communication and
interpretation of strategies and organizational plans and objectives affected the strategy
implementation in the organization to a great extent. The study found that evaluation of
information provided affected the strategy implementation among insurance companies
in Kenya to a moderate extent. The study found that supervision and monitoring of
activities, plans, and work output improve productivity and efficiency in their
organizations to a very great extent. The research further found that placement of
resources in line with the needs affected the strategy implementation among insurance
companies in Kenya to a moderate extent. The study concluded that championing
alternatives (β=0.738, p=0.000<0.05) had the greatest effect on the strategy
implementation among insurance companies in Kenya, followed by management of
operational effectiveness (β=0.622, p=0.000<0.05), then synthesizing information
(β=0.412, p=0.000<0.05) while facilitating adaptability (β=-0.539, p=0.000<0.05) had
the least effect to the strategy implementation among insurance companies in Kenya.
The study recommended that the middle level management be included in the planning
process of the strategy. This move would significantly increase the chances of the
success of strategies as it creates ownership and control of the process by the said
middle level managers and cultivate a marked desire to see through the process to
ensure the strategy succeeds. The study in addition recommends that certain elements of
the implementation process should be highlighted with specific reference to
communication of the strategy to all stake holders; recognition of the staff challenges
during implementation and appreciation of the staff morale and motivation during the
process. Middle level managers as bridges between operational staff and top
management, including other stakeholders need as of necessity to be allowed direct
access to the core organisational decision making personalities or organs in the
organisation. This will enable them to obtain authoritative updates on issues raised by
operations staff. | en_US |