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Now showing items 772-791 of 1447
ICT Implementation Framework for Managing Explicit Knowledge in Secondary Schools in Meru Central Sub-County
(KeMU, 2022-10)Kenya’s vision 2030 acknowledges the centrality of the role of knowledge management systems in boosting international competitiveness, wealth creation and improving the general social welfare. However, ICT tools in ... -
Identification of learning disabilities for implementation of individualized educational programme in taita-taveta county, public primary schools
(KEMU, 2020-01)The purpose of this study was to assess implementation of Individualized Educational Programme (IEP) by teachers, on learners with LD in Kenya. Specifically, the study sought to establish how teachers identify learners ... -
Impact of alcoholism on parental care of school children: A case of Miriga Mieru West Division in Meru county.
(KeMU, 2012-07)This study is a research to find out the impact of alcoholism on the parental care of school going children in Miragamieru West division. This is because many parents have neglected their school going children thus raising ... -
Impact of child abuse on academic performance of pupils in public primary schools in Kieni West sub county, Nyeri county.
(KeMU, 2017)ABSTRACT Child abuse has become a global problem that needs to be tackled if children are to be given the right to education and freedom. Early exposure to adverse childhood experiences including physical, sexual, and ... -
The Impact of Church Leadership in Support of Transition from Junior Church into Youth in Methodist Church in Kenya, Machungulu Circuit
(International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research, 2024-07-23)Graduating youngsters through the teenager ministry of the church is usually a bittersweet expertise. Mostly, moving youngsters in their religious path has been the ultimate objective right along. Just as parents and ... -
The Impact of Clinical Nurse Instructor’s Practices on Clinical Performance among Bachelor of Science in Nursing Students in Kenya
(KeMU, 2020-11)Clinical teaching is a major component of nursing education. The training of Bachelor of Science Nursing (BScN) students entails clinical nurse instructors to help students translate theoretical knowledge into clinical ... -
The impact of dysfunctional family systems on performance ; a case of secondary school students in Imenti North District - Kenya
(KeMU, 2013-06)A dysfunctional family system is a family in which conflict, misbehavior, and often abuses impact negatively on the part of individual members and occur continually. When problems and circumstances such as parental alcoholism, ... -
The impact of extra tuition on the perfomance of students in science subjects in secondary schools in Embu East District, Kenya
(KeMU, 2014-07)The development and access to education for all bas been given great emphasis al1 the world. To ensure that learners achieve high grades in Mathematics and science subjects, extra tuition has been offered to the learners ... -
Impact of free primary education on academic performance among pupils in Nakuru East sub county, Nakuru county, Kenya.
(KeMU, 2017-09)ABSTRACT The introduction of Free Primary Education in 2003 was, predictably, welcome by millions of Kenyans. Soon after the programme was initiated, primary schools intake rose from 0.969 million by 2002 to 1.312 million ... -
Impact of ICT tools on students' discipline in secondary schools in Nyandarua West district, Nyandarua county.
(KeMU, 2013-04)ABSTRACT Adoption of new technologies like Information Communication and Technology (ICT) tools has great impact amongst people. Examples of these tools are; computers, mobile phones, digital cameras, television, radio, ... -
Impact of implementing information technology on teaching and learning in public secondary schools in Mbeere South, Embu county, Kenya.
(KeMU, 2017)The significant role of information and communication technology (ICT) in education has been improving and many countries have invested heavily in increasing the number of computers in learning institutions. The Kenyan ... -
The Impact of Investment in Sports Teachers Training on Pupils’ Participation in Sporting Activities in Public Primary Schools in Kenya
(European Journal of Education Studies, 2022-08)The introduction of the ‘Competence Based Curriculum’ (CBC) in Kenya’s basic education system in 2017 was meant to promote early identification of talents along with arts and sports among other talents. The realization ... -
Impact of leadership styles of the headteachers on students' academic achievement in secondary schools in Igembe North district.
(KeMU, 2011)The quality of leadership makes the difference between the success and failure of a school. It is important that the performance of a school is appraised against the performance of the person who leads it. Kenya certificate ... -
Impact of Local Politics on Performance of Hospitality Industry:
(EdinBurg Peer Reviewed Journals and Books Publishers, 2022)When organizations are formed, they attempt to operate in a style that meets the needs of their immediate environment. Despite that, some organizations operate in a manner that can lead to conflict with the communities ... -
Impact of miraa on pupils in public primary schools in Gachoka division, Embu county, Kenya.
(KeMU, 2014-06)ABSTRACT Miraa is a drought tolerant evergreen tree or shrub whose twigs and leaves are chewed as a stimulant. Many women, children and young men chew it regularly. Miraa production and use is associated with health ... -
The Impact of Nutrition Education on the Dietary Habits of Adolescent Girls (12-18 years) in Juba, South Sudan
(KeMU, 2023-09)Adolescent girls in South Sudan, notably in its capital, Juba, experience significant dietary difficulties. These difficulties, frequently caused by socioeconomic circumstances, are made worse by a general lack of dietary ... -
The impact of parent teacher partnership on academic achievement; a case of secondary schools in Laikipia East district.
(KeMU, 2013-06)ABSTRACT Secondary School Education has been characterized by relatively poor performance in national examinations especially in rural district schools. The situation is not different in Laikipia East District, Laikipia ... -
Impact of parents' social economic status on students' academic performance in public secondary schools in Kieni East sub county, Nyeri county Kenya.
(KeMU, 2017-03)There are several impediments to students' academic performance, among them parents' social economic status (SES) is thought to influence students' academic achievement. The purpose of this study was to find out the impact ... -
Impact of Performance Contracting in Public Service Delivery
(KeMU, 2009-04)ABSTRACT Public sector reforms have become the norm in the present world. This has been necessitated the poor performance of the state enterprises that have become a burden both financially and administratively. Tax ... -
Impact of Point of Use Water Treatment and Safe Storage in Reducing Diarrhea Morbidity among Children under Five Years Old in Kawangware, Nairobi County
(KeMU, 2016-07)Diarrheal diseases are one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in developing countries particularly in children. This study took the form of a cross-sectional study to determine the impact of Point of Use (POU) ...