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dc.contributor.authorMburu, Lilian Njeri
dc.description.abstractInternal strategic change management is critical to an organization's search for long-term competitive advantage. Saving and Credit Cooperative Society have been meeting immense difficulties including rivalry from other monetary organizations like banks and microfinance foundations. In this way they have no choice except for redesigning the wheel to stay serious and significant in the new loan fees regulation. Examining factors influencing the adoption of strategic internal change management in deposit-taking SACCOS in Mombasa County, Kenya, was the primary objective of the study. The study's specific objectives were to determine how the organizational culture, management support, data innovation mindfulness, and internal communication influenced the deposit- taking SACCOs in Mombasa County. The study utilized Transformational Leadership Theory, Kotter's Eight Steps Change Theory and Kurt Lewin Theory. The research design for this study was a descriptive survey. Since the quantity was manageable within the study's limits, and because the approach offers a real measure of the population while also having the highest degree of accuracy, a census sample technique was chosen. The respondents were 30 deposit taking Sacco‘s in Mombasa County. The respondents were head of divisions and managers in the 10 chose SACCO's. The study sample was 66 departmental heads. The researcher received introduction letter from KeMU and NACOSTI license. Consent to gather information was sought from the Sacco's. Discussions and interpretations depended on Pearson relationship coefficient, ANOVA and Regression Coefficient. The study outcomes showed a positive strong link between data innovation mindfulness and change management (p=0.037). The findings demonstrated a positive critical link between organizational culture and vital inward Change management (p=0.001). The study showed a positive critical connection between Management support and key inward change management (p=0.001). The res demonstrated that internal management showed a positive huge relationship with vital inside change management (p=0.001). The study concluded that when the association culture accepts positive change measure, at that point not many representatives do oppose the change. The study additionally presumed that the accomplishment of the change plan is subject to the top administration and the shareholders‟ reaction comparative with its execution. The study suggested that Sacco's top administration ought to guarantee that representative demeanor and example of work advances change management. This will improve the corporate culture, which will support financial success and the growth of the company. SACCOs should utilize a few communication channels and apparatuses for mindfulness and spread the data across the association, for example, through messages and web-based media refreshes. SACCOs need to draw in its workers in the beginning phases of carrying out key inner change management and this is by including them in the dynamic cycle. Doing this will work with the change and lower the rate of employee resistanceen_US
dc.subjectStrategic internal change managementen_US
dc.titleFactors influencing Adoption of Strategic Internal Change Management in Deposit taking SACCO'S in Mombasa County, Kenyaen_US

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