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dc.contributor.authorSuleiman, Mary Moraa
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to examine the effects of drug abuse between boys and girls in selected Seventh - day Adventist church sponsored secondary schools of Borabu sub - county, Nyamira County, Kenya. The study sought to establish the types or drugs abused, examine the main effects of drug abuse, analyze the physical psychological and social effects of drug abuse and to compare the level of effects of drug abuse among boys and girls in selected secondary schools in Borabu sub _ county, Nyamira County, Kenya. A descriptive survey design was used in this study. The target population was all the 22 public secondary schools in the sub-County. The sample of the study comprised of 15 secondary schools chosen through stratified random sampling. Census sampling was used to select 15 principals, 150 HODs, and 15 chaplain / counselors. Data was collected through Interviews for principals and questionnaires for HODs, and chaplains/ counselors. The validity of the instruments was established through scrutiny by experts who were thesis supervisors. Test-retest method was used to establish reliability of the instruments. A correlation coefficient of 0.86 and 0.87 for HODs, and chaplains/ counselors questionnaires was established respectively. The qualitative data from interview schedule was analyzed thematically and reported in narrative and direct quotes. The data from questionnaires was analyzed using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) computer program version+ 20.0 and descriptive statistics generated. Specifically, percentages, means, and standard deviation. The major findings of the study indicated that girls are the most affected as compared to the boys in the selected secondary schools. The implications of these findings were that, because girls mostly use the injectable drugs they were more injected than boys. The Study, therefore recommended that; in order to enhance health among students quality close assistance from the school authority is required.en_US
dc.subjectEffects of drug abuseen_US
dc.titleA comparative study of the effects of drug abuse among boys and girls in seventh day Adventist church sponsored secondary schools in Borabu sub-county Nyamira county Kenyaen_US

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