School of Medicine and Health Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 101-120 of 175
Factors influencing uptake of antenatal care in Taita Taveta County, Kenya
(KeMU, 2019-09)49% of pregnant women are able to make four or more ANC visits in Sub Saharan part of Africa. General objective of the study was to find out factors influencing uptake of ANC in public health facilities in Taita Taveta ... -
Influence of structural arrangement on provision of quality primary care health services in public health centers in Nakuru County, Kenya
(KeMU, 2019-08)The Alma Ata Declaration of 1978 emphasized the importance of primary care as an approach to achieve health for all. Kenya has gradually expanded primary care health service delivery to increase access and comprehensiveness ... -
Human resource management practices influencing performance of nursing officers in Nyeri County, Kenya
(KeMU, 2019-08)Various organizations employ different human resources initiatives in order to increase efficiency. The most common initiatives employed to improve efficiency include performance contracts, internal contracting, contracting-out ... -
Determinants of a functional referral system in Kisumu County, Kenya. Patients’ perspective.
(KeMU, 2019-09)Most referral health facilities are faced with challenges ranging from congestion of patients at these health facilities, limited resources both human and material to deal with the voluminous clients, slow rate of service ... -
Assessment of health workers perinatal knowledge and practices related to service delivery in Makueni County, Kenya
(KeMU, 2019-09)A health system has six interdependent and interrelated pillars: health workforce; service delivery; information; financing; medical products, vaccines and technologies; leadership and governance. This study addressed ... -
Factors Influencing Academic Help-Seeking Behavior of Basic Diploma Nursing Students in Kenya Medical Training College, Nairobi, Kenya.
(KeMU, 2019-08)Academic help is central to students’ academic adjustment and success. Nursing students encounter learning difficulties; thus, need assistance or advice to continue with learning tasks. That is why, as part of quality ... -
Assessment of factors affecting healthcare waste management system in Machakos County, Kenya
(KeMU, 2019-09)In general, most local authorities in Kenya have been unable to cope up with the segregation, the treatment and methods of waste disposal especially healthcare waste. Health facilities in Machakos County have poor practices ... -
Determinants of uptake of national hospital insurance fund primary care scheme among service providers within the scope of NHIF Nakuru town branch
(KeMU, 2019-09)There is a growing international consensus on the importance of providing social protection through financing and providing access to healthcare services. Kenya has embraced this through the National Hospital Insurance ... -
Determinants of utilization of national hospital insurance fund outpatient services by private university employees in Nairobi
(2019-09)The NHIF is a mandatory health insurance fund covering public and private formal sector workers and their dependents as the main health insurer in Kenya. NHIF has embarked on an ambitious reform program intended to convert ... -
An Assessment of Classroom Teaching Strategies Utilized by Nurse Educators on Diploma Nursing Students at Kenya Medical Training College Vihiga Campus
(KeMU, 2019-09)In recent decades, globally, nursing educators have tended to use innovative teaching strategies in the classroom rather than traditional teaching strategies. This is raid advance due to benefits such as increased ... -
Implementation of hospital management information systems on service delivery: a case of Moi teaching and referral hospital
(KeMU, 2019-09)Hospital Management Information Systems (HMIS) has the potential of improving the quality of services delivered as well as the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare providers through integration of various hospital ... -
Influence of performance management systems on employee productivity in county referral hospitals in Kiambu County, Kenya
(KeMU, 2019-08)Human resource for health is one of the core pillars of health systems and performance management is one of its subcomponents. A performance management system in public health facilities is one of the tools for reforms ... -
Influence of expanded free maternity care programme on delivery of quality health care in maternity units in public health facilities in Kajiado County
(KeMU, 2019-09)A well-functioning health system works in harmony among the six pillars; trained and motivated health workers, functional infrastructure, consistent supply of essential medicines and technologies and sufficient funding.Africa ... -
Performance of trained clinical officers in reproductive health service delivery through task shifting: opportunities and its challenges in Kenya
(KeMU, 2019-09)The world is experiencing a chronic shortage of well-trained health workers with a global deficit of doctors, nurses and midwives being approximately 2.4 million, and with low- and middle income countries having acute human ... -
Use of district health information system data to facilitate decision making in Uasin- gishu sub county hospitals, Kenya
(KeMU, 2019-09)Comprehensive and dependable information is basis for making decisions. WHO building blocks: services delivery, health information, products and technologies, health workforce, financing and governance. Aim of study was ... -
Factors influencing rational drug use in public hospitals among doctors and pharmacists in Meru County
(KeMU, 2019-09)Access to essential medicines, vaccines and medical technologies is the anchor pillar in this study. Medical products must be of assured quality, safety, effective, scientifically sound and cost effective. Rational use of ... -
Patient satisfaction with emergency care services accessed at selected public health facilities in Nairobi City County: patients’ perspective
(KeMU, 2019-08)Access to emergency medical services is portrayed in the light of the truth as the capacity of the affected individual to get the perfect health attention from the wellbeing pro associations once they need it. It is an ... -
Determinants of public primary health facilities preparedness for service delivery in Nyandarua County, Kenya
(KeMU, 2019-09)The Kenyan primary health care (PHC) system is currently going through a major transformation, especially in the effort of actualizing the universal health coverage which is part of the “Big Four” national government agenda ... -
Work-life balance practices for scaling up health workers productivity in public hospitals in Kenya: a case of Mandera County
(KeMU, 2019-09)The delivery of health interventions requires skilled and adequately supported health personnel. Work-life balance is the maintenance of a health workers balance between responsibilities at work and at home. The inadequacies ... -
Determinants of Feeding Knowledge and Practices among Infants Born of HIV Positive Female Sex Worker Mothers’ Sex Worker Outreach Programme Clinic
(KeMU, 2019-09)Feeding of infants is determined by many things which including the nature of work done by the mother. Sex worker outreach Programme (SWOP) is a clinic that caters for medical needs of the women selling sex in Kenya. The ...